Journey Through Intimacy 2005-2007

Journey through intimacy explores what happens when you strip away layers of conditioned thought and experiences to reveal knowledge that lies in the quiet moments of contemplative reflection.

It is a journey to the inner voice of stillness to chart an inner landscape to discover an internal mental map.

The collection of works in this exhibition express through a number of connections, themes of our humanity that reveal love, compassion and humility. Whether it is by showing a deaf old lady in a nursing home or a street beggar, if we listen to the quiet still voice during our interaction and remain mindful we connect with our higher self, thus showing the profound inter- connected nature of our existence.

In the hope of getting a little closer to the truth behind our understandings of our world, with a simplicity of thought focused on the themes mentioned earlier ( love, compassion and humility ) we can cleanse our often dense lives of unnecessary clutter that can take us in the direction of finding our own personal freedom.

Could it be that in an external environment where personal freedom is constantly under threat an understanding of our internal geography has ever been more relevant?.


Biafra Boys

Inspired by Don McCullin photograph.


Boy Eating His Own Hand

After a visit to a secure care home.


Dalai Lama

Tenzin Gyatso the 14th Dalai Lama



Street friends.


Its My Cake

After a visit to a secure care home.





War Hero

Created after conversation with Vietnam War homeless man in San Francisco.


What Did I Do To You

Imbalance in power.

To us art is an adventure into an unknown world, which can be explored only by those willing to take the risk.

Adolph Gottlieb, Barnett Newman and Mark Rothko