Available Tuition


Face to face and Virtual art sessions now available to keep you inspired to paint and learn 






  • Scheduled art classes
  • 1:1 Tuition
  • Bespoke online art classes





 Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  if you are interested in joining a class.

The Knap Art Group

Tuesday 2 – 4pm.

All Saints Church Hall Barry.

The Knap Art Group is a community art group focused on creativity and well-being. It offers an opportunity to learn drawing and painting techniques in a relaxed friendly environment from a professional artist and tutor. The Group has a mix of students from total beginners, to those who have enjoyed painting for a number of years. We have a course structure that covers a range of topics to keep you inspired, although it is always flexible depending on each students need and abilities. We aim to create an uplifting kind atmosphere for you to explore and develop your creative skills. All are welcome.

The Course fee is £90 for 22 hours of tuition spread over 11 weeks of 2 hour sessions and we offer a flexible payment scheme.



Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  if you are interested in joining a class.

Wenvoe Art And Well-Being Group

Wednesday 2 – 4pm.

Wenvoe Community Centre.

The Wenvoe Art and Well-Being Group is a community art group focused on creativity and well-being. It offers an opportunity to learn drawing and painting techniques in a relaxed friendly environment from a professional artist and tutor. The Group has a mix of students from total beginners, to those who have enjoyed painting for a number of years. We have a course structure that covers a range of topics to keep you inspired, although it is always flexible depending on each students need and abilities. We aim to create an uplifting kind atmosphere for you to explore and develop your creative skills. All are welcome.

The Course fee is £90 for 20 hours of tuition spread over 10 weeks of 2 hour sessions and we offer a flexible payment scheme.



The virtual classes are designed to encourage painters and those that love art to create, learn and have fun during this unusual time. Each class includes a presentation of the work of acclaimed artists and their working methods from the history of art, together with homework suggestions and tips. There is also an opportunity to share your own work, receive gentle constructive criticism and for those that want, participate in a group virtual art work.





 Scheduled online and  weekly classes:


  • Monday 2.30-4.30pm with Dinas Powys Art Group.
  • Monday 7.30 - 9pm with Dinas Powys Art group. Waiting list.
  • Tuesday 2-4pm with Knap art Group. All welcome.
  • Wednesday 2-4pm with Wenvoe Art and Well-Being Group

Fee: £90 for 10 weeks, £9/session.


Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  if you are interested in joining a class.



Below are some examples of the lovely artwork created by  students, as well as some of their reviews.






“Glyn’s weekly tutorials pass by astonishing quickly.  Glyn brings the life and backgrounds of individual artists onto the window of their artwork. I begin to understand what influences the language of each artist and how and why they created their work. Glyn builds up the pictures through his layers of understanding and study and this has helped me to become more confident in experimenting with my own personal skills. In a world full of stimuli he manages to bring a focus to my work and this craft reflects his very special tutorial skills.”  Isobel Davies

“Dive into Art and explore with Glyn Pooley: During this coronavirus period I have been able to continue painting and remained focussed through our online Monday evening Weekly Zoom meetings with Glyn Pooley . 

Glyn has provided  a personal insight into artists and their work through his extensive knowledge and experience. He has set the scene clearly in time and history, explored works of art through his slide presentations using Zoom , this has been delivered in a clear way that has inspired me to  paint in the style of a variety of artists that I may not have looked at before . I would highly recommend him. “ Tina Simmons-Roe 

Many people can look at a picture and say 'I really like/don't like it' but cant tell you why. Examining the styles and approaches of other artists in detail can give you an insight into what great art is, and incorporating these strategies in your own work can enhance your understanding and appreciation even more.  Kyssie Moore

Glyns’ tutorials have been an absolute joy .A well known Barry artist in his own right ,he shares his extensive knowledge of art history and painting techniques in an easy gentle manner .I’ve particularly enjoyed the challenge of homework and his incisive critique when we share our work .He offers a varied course covering a wide range of subjects and styles. Jane S

Every week I look forward to my Zoom in with Glyn. With a new topic each week, Glyn demonstrates his knowledge and passion for the subject. Some weeks we study a famous artist [often with a Welsh connection]. Others, it’s an art theme, or a painting technique.

Glyn illustrates his talks with a selection of his favourite examples. These paintings are analysed and explained in full, it’s like walking through an art gallery with a talented guide. Our online masterclasses are fully interactive, we can ask Glyn questions at any time, where trivial and serious questions are treated equally! At lessons end, we are given ‘Glyn’s challenge’. This is our chance to paint, if we want to, in the weeks style or theme.

So this is us then, learning, developing and appreciating through emulation. We share our efforts, online, the following week. We get to see and discuss how each has tackled the challenge. Personally, I believe, we will look back at these sessions and marvel at how productive we have been. Difficult times but great art!   Bill Rogers



Classes or full 10 week programs can be tailored for your group’s specific interests and aspirations



 If you feel you would benefit from some individual tuition to get you started or improve your skill set, Glyn offers one to one guidance via Zoom. 

£20/ hour.

To view a selection of Glyn's previous work please connect with link below;


Prices correct March 2024


Those who are possessed by nothing possess everything.

Morihei Ueshiba.