Current Work







Visual meditation Books and Artworks on the theme of Peace and Light.

'Joy In The Presence, A Path In Peace'

One artwork has been produced and added to the books every day since 1.1.15. There are now over 3000 ( and counting ). Click on  the image in gallery for further information.

A book is now available to purchase for £15 +p.n.p. Each book will be individually signed with a personal message. Please get in touch through the contact page if you would like to support this project. Here are some sample pages.



A Path In Peace Art Trail 2019-

A Path In Peace Art Trail 2019-

The artworks in this trail are responses to ancient sacred  sites in Barry and the Vale of Glamorgan that have stood the test of time. Places that have become a deeply rooted resource through their longevity, marking a unique position in our landscape. This consistency offers a place for stillness, contemplation and peace. The trail is a guide to some of these amazing places.

A book is now available to purchase for £15 +p.n.p. Each book will be individually signed with a personal message. Please get in touch through the contact page if you would like to support this project. Here are some sample pages.




Connect here for further details:

Another glimpse through the veils

Another glimpse through the veils

Another glimpse through the veils

Beyond the opera of life

Beyond the opera of life

Beyond the opera of life

Contemplating Art

Contemplating Art

Contemplating Art

evergreen tree

evergreen tree

Evergreen Tree

On entering the temple

On entering the temple

On entering the temple at Shambhala.

Queen Rania of Jordon

Queen Rania of Jordon

Queen Rania of Jordon



The Doorway to Shambhala

Standing in the doorway to love

Standing in the doorway to love

Standing in the doorway to love

The Blue Doorway

The Blue Doorway

The Blue Doorway


The doorway to the jewels of joy

The doorway to the jewels of joy

The doorway to the jewels of joy.

the glimpse of a tree

the glimpse of a tree

The glimpse of a tree.

The Golden Doorway

The Golden Doorway

The Golden Doorway


the golden wind

the golden wind

The Golden Wind

The Light Within

The Light Within

The light within becomes the light without.

The Silence Remains After The Plane Has Passed.

The Silence Remains After The Plane Has Passed.

The Silence Remains After The Plane Has Passed.


Through the green veil

Through the green veil

Through the green veil

Visual meditation books

Visual meditation books


Visual Meditation Books.

This ongoing project began 1.1.15. One artwork has been produced and added every day since that date. There are now over a 3000 and counting.

We are all that we think

We are all that we think

We are all that we think.

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Have no fear of perfection-you’ll never reach it.

Salvador Dali.