The Public House 1995-2002

This exhibition developed out of research into the structure of community, focusing on the blend of transitory and substantial relationships at any given point in time. The environment chosen became a controlled artificial place where actions are heightened - a human laboratory of social behaviour so to speak. The imagery needed to be portrayed in a semi-figurative manner. The audience had to take part and become stake holders.

‘...The theme of fragility incorporating both psychological and physical elements was focused on. The fabric of a community, with negative forces acting on it, can be broken down very easily, the most prominent one being lack of confidence. By showing the community in action, in an environment where actions are heightened - the public house, an insight into the fragile nature of living is offered...’

Happiness comes through taming the mind; without taming the mind there is no way to be happy.

Tenzin Gyatso the 14thDalai Lama.