Charles Byrd

Charles Byrd

‘I would say do your own thing in life. If you have an idea, just do it. Do not be put off by other people. When I was young I asked others what they thought of my work. If they did not like it I could be discouraged. As time passed I continued with my own vision and became more confident. It is worthwhile to study and learn from old and modern masters, but then go your own way. Do not be afraid to take risks.

While at Romilly Road Primary School in Barry, I was very lucky to have a headmaster, Mr Peach who encouraged his students in many different ways. I remember being taken on trips and visiting Stratford, the home of Shakespeare. We were encouraged to play sports including football and swimming. We were introduced to practical subjects such as metal work, and at the same time I was   part of a famous choir and orchestra that was well known around the U.K. He created an environment of classical music, sport and practical application. The experience of that big vision never left me.

Sometimes when making a painting a particular part can shine out. For the sake of unity in the piece it can be tempting to tone it down. I prefer to lift up all the other parts of the painting to support the part that shines out.

Living the life of an artist and creating artwork can be isolating. Making a piece can include countless hours on your own. It is important to keep thinking big, enjoy what you do and keep a clear vision. To be an artist in Wales you need to be made of steel’.  



  • Medium: Graphite on paper.
  • Dimensions: Original 50cm x 40cm. Prints including mount 40cm x 30cm.

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